WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP - Parke Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: PKBK) 今日宣布将于10月18日向10月4日登记在册的股东派发每股0.18美元的现金股息。该公司经营Parke Bank,一家全方位服务的商业银行,强调未来的股息分配需经董事会批准,并可能根据公司的财务状况和监管限制而变化。
(吉隆坡12日讯)IOI置业集团(IOI Properties Group Bhd,IOIPG)为提高和打造具环保意识社区, 特别举办多项与环保有关活动,包括 2024 城市自然挑战(CNC)、CNC 儿童自然步行、地球 ...
在面对中小学教室不足的挑战时,卑诗省政府最近宣布了一项历史性决定,拨款2.03亿元用于建设兰里市的Smith高中。这项资金不仅是卑诗省教育史上的最大单笔拨款,更是响应日益增长的教育需求的积极举措。兰里市(Township of Langley)被选中作为新校园的所在地,这一地区的快速发展使得新学校的需求愈发迫切。
As of Friday noon, the typhoon had caused over 574,511 residents in Guangdong to be relocated, including 407,064 people in Zhanjiang, where the typhoon made its second landfall. All 84,873 fishing ...
据费郊上梅里安镇(the Upper Merion Township)警察局的消息,一名男子两周前从普鲁士国王购物中心(the King of Prussia Mall)一家名叫"the Bucherer ...
GUIYANG, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- Meng Rongda, 59, is the only teacher of a "mini-school," more precisely a teaching site in Xishan Township of Congjiang County. At present, there are 23 preschool students ...
BEIJING -- China will strengthen the role of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in advancing its Healthy China Initiative, said a senior official at the National Health Commission. In an interview wit ...