体外: 随着生长培养基中 CV 浓度的增加,菌株 RB1 对链霉素的敏感性增强。随着生长培养基中 CV 浓度的增加,细胞色素 aa3 水平和链霉素敏感性都会增加。枯草芽孢杆菌积累链霉素需要细胞色素 aa3 [1]。链霉素影响 tRNA ...
Scripps Research scientists have created a method using four-nucleotide codons to incorporate non-canonical amino acids into ...
The Scripps technique could be used to re-engineer existing proteins—or create entirely new ones—that have utility in a range ...
KARS蛋白(Lysyl-tRNA Synthetase,LysRS)是一种重要的氨基酸酰化酶,负责将赖氨酸与其对应的tRNA结合,从而参 与蛋白质合成的关键过程。KARS不仅在蛋白质翻译中扮演核心角色,还涉及细胞信号传导、应激反应及多种生物学过程。 本文将详细探讨KARS蛋白的结构特征 ...
Anthony Green's research group at the University of Manchester, UK, reengineers enzymes to have catalytic functions beyond ...
Scientists at Scripps Research have introduced a new method for adding non-canonical amino acids to proteins by using ...
The global rna based therapeutics market  size is estimated to grow by USD 1.26 billion from 2024-2028, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of  5.54%  during the ...
杂交水稻技术是中国农业科技进步的重要标志之一,自1973年研究成功以来,在中国已累计推广面积6亿公顷,累计增产稻谷8000多亿公斤。在全球已有70多个国家示范推杂交水稻,极大地提高了中国乃至世界的水稻产量,为解决中国乃至世界人民的“吃饭问题 ...
Proteins are composed of combinations of 20 different amino acids, arranged into diverse sequences like words.