With the deepening of international exchanges in the medical field, the demand for medical translation has increased. However, due to the characteristics of medical translation, the quality of ...
摘要 :英语绘本阅读教学在小学低年级学生英语教育中越来越受到重视。绘本教学中存在的问题包括:绘本配套资源缺失、教学模式与考核方式脱节、教学方法单一等问题。改善英语绘本教学的策略包括:根据教学目标开发多模态教学资料;合理设计教学方法;关注学生的多样性特点。
Typical row-crop agricultural practices can potentially be harmful to soil health and future sustainability. The use of cover ...
Morgom, M. , Anjum, S. , Awadelseed, S. , Alajard, H. and Bakhiet, Y. (2024) Beyond the Usual Suspects (Aortic Dissection in ...
Social Media, Infodemic, Trust, Infox, SARF, Fake News, Disinformation, BERT, VADER Share and Cite: Banyongen, S. (2024) Infodemic: Social Media and the Amplification of the COVID-19 Crisis in Canada.
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. [1] Akinsola, E. F. (2011). Relationships between parenting style, family type, personality disposition and ...
The solution of Poisson’s Equation plays an important role in many areas, including modeling high-intensity and ...
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between real effective exchange rates and inward foreign ...
Laboratoire des Mathématiques, Statistiques, Informatique et Applications (LMSIA), Département des Mathématiques, ...
Hyun, C. , Kim, S. , Hyun, S. and McMenamin, J. (2024) Community-Based Hepatitis B Campaign in Asian Americans. International ...
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedicals Sciences, University of Yaoundé I, Yaounde, Cameroon. 2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine and ...