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Retail sales and manufacturing increased at the margin in July. In annual terms, retail sales increased 1.6% YoY in July, broadly in line with our +1.5% call but below the Bloomberg market consensus ...
2024/09/13 | Andrés Pérez M. In its September meeting, the Central Bank of Peru (BCRP) cut the policy rate by 25-bps to 5.25%, in line with our call and market expectations (according to Bloomberg).
According to Argentina’s INDEC, consumer prices rose by 4.2% MoM in August, up from 4.0% MoM in the previous month. The print came in slightly above our call (4.0%) and market expectations of 3.9%, ...
A USD 1.1 billion trade surplus was recorded in August, well above the USD 0.5 billion surplus in August last year. The surplus came in below our USD 1.6 billion call. The rolling one-year trade ...
2024/09/09 | Andrés Pérez M. Monthly headline CPI rose by 0.01% MoM, below market expectations of +0.07% according to the Bloomberg median. Core inflation rose by 0.22%, essentially in line with ...
Consumer prices were stable between July and August, well below both the Bloomberg market consensus and our call of 0.2%. The main positive contributors in the month were housing and utilities (+0.3% ...
Consumer prices rose by 0.26% from July to August, slightly above the Bloomberg market consensus (0.2%), while essentially in line with our call and market pricing (0.24%). With the print, annual ...
The September IPoM outlines a scenario of slightly weaker domestic demand, but with higher short-term inflationary pressures. The transitory nature of the supply-shock and softer activity support a ...
2024/09/03 | Andrés Pérez M. Gross Fixed Investment (GFI) fell by 1.3% yoy in June (vs. market consensus of -1.2%), while the private consumption proxy rose by 0.4% (vs. market consensus of 0.8%).
A significant narrowing of the CAD was observed in the 2Q24. A USD 1.6 billion current account deficit was registered in the second quarter of the year (narrowing USD 0.6 billion from 2Q23), ...
At the September Monetary Policy Meeting, the Board of the Central Bank of Chile (BCCh) unanimously opted to resume the rate cutting cycle with a 25bp cut to 5.5%. Following the pause in July, the ...