Planning to apply for a doctoral study right at Doctoral Programme in Computer Science (DOCS)? Good choice! We admit new doctoral students five times a year, so pay attention to the application ...
FIMM is a leading translational/molecular medicine research institute. We offer an internationally recognized, unique biomedical research environment in Helsinki with access to state-of-the-art data ...
Explore the University of Helsinki’s bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes and open university courses. Find your favourite and apply, or register during the relevant application period. This ...
The University of Helsinki has two committees reviewing the ethics of non-medical research on humans: the Research Ethics Committee in the Humanities and Social and Behavioural Sciences and the ...
Four webinars on topics related to effective and responsible data management, which will complement the Research Data Management basics lectures. Each theme will be addressed through discussion or ...
Milloin viimeksi pysähdyit dinosauruksen jalkojen juureen tai kuuntelit yön ääniä Afrikan tähtitaivaan alla? 7 € Opiskelija tai lapsi 7–17 vuotta Olemme Museokortti-kohde. Eläkeläiset Työttömät Varus- ...
Viherterapian tarpeessa? Kaisaniemen ulkopuutarha ja kasvihuoneet tarjoavat ainutlaatuisia kasvielämyksiä ympäri vuoden. Huomioithan, että Helsingin kaupungin työmaa (Kaisaniemenpuiston peruskorjaus) ...
DogRisk is the only independent and university-based research group in the world, which analyses the connections between diets, environmental factors and chronic diseases that affect dogs. Largely ...
The Faculty of Social Scienes explores phenomena and problems in our changing world from different perspectives. Our teaching is closely linked to the latest research and aims to educate experts who ...
University’s management Rector and vice-rectors: The University of Helsinki is managed by the rector, vice-rectors and the heads and directors of units.The rector manages the University’s operations ...
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is Finland’s largest university department for mathematical sciences. Its multifaceted research has received the highest points in numerous assessments.
NaPPI – the National Plant Phenotyping Infrastructure is on Finland’s roadmap for research infrastructures (FIRI – Finnish Research Infrastructure). The NaPPI facilities are located in two nodes: in ...