Warszawa, 4 czerwca 2020 r. – Smog, zanieczyszczone powietrze oraz sposoby poprawy jego jakości, obok zmian klimatycznych, to jedno z najpoważniejszych wyzwań cywilizacyjnych. Obecnych i przyszłych. W ...
Drawing on insights across the globe, this podcast talks about research, innovation, and discovery that will help you understand today's consumer to prepare you for tomorrow's marketplace.
Separati, stabiliamo lo standard. Insieme, alziamo il livello. Da oltre 89 anni, ci guadagniamo la fiducia dei nostri clienti in tutto il mondo fornendo risposte alle loro domande chiave e supportando ...
These are GfK’s global findings ahead of CES 2024.
Reaguj szybciej, w oparciu o analitykę "market intelligence" Błyskawicznie reaguj na dynamiczne zmiany rynkowe. Dzięki cotygodniowym raportom GfK POS, podejmiesz bardziej efektywne decyzje, opracujesz ...
There is no other consumer research project with the longevity, rigor and reliability of GfK’s Consumer Confidence Barometer. Each month since January 1974, it has provided a snapshot of how UK ...
The environment is a growing concern for consumers around the globe. People are now making green(er) decisions about their own actions and the products they purchase, and these concerns also impact ...
COVID-19 has made health & wellness top of mind for many of us, yet our increasing focus on our wellbeing predates the outbreak. We all approach it quite differently, while some of us may have ...
NIQ and GfK are the total package, delivering the Full View™ of consumer intelligence. We have exciting opportunities to join our diverse team using data and technology to show the world what people ...
시장 점유율 및 브랜드 성과를 측정하는 제품 판매 성과 추적 비교 도구. 소매 업체와 리셀러 모두에게서 수집하는 데이터. 모든 관련 채널에 대한 정기적인 POS 인사이트 ...