For close to a year, the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS) paid twice for meals provided to homeless clients living in a city-subsidized hotel, Baltimore’s Office of Inspector General ...
It takes real effort to penetrate the mysteries of Baltimore City government, where millions of dollars in public spending are approved in the blink of an eye and dollars disappear into the maw of ...
Mayor Brandon Scott plans to name his former campaign treasurer to a high-level post at City Hall despite resignations and a possible lawsuit arising from his brief term as chair of East Baltimore ...
This great accountability journalism doesn’t write itself! It takes hours of hard work by seasoned professional reporters and editors. We need your financial support - foundation support does not ...
Curtis Bay residents, taking a visitor on a tour to explain the impacts of industry on their far South Baltimore community, got a chance to illustrate the issue dramatically when a coal dust storm ...
It takes a lot of nerve for Councilman Costello and the mayor to attack a judge and the many serious people who believe the waterfront apartment tower plan is bad for the Inner Harbor. [OP-ED] ...
Federally convicted former Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, entering the third month of her one-year sentence of home detention, is attending yet another event, this time across town. Mosby ...
Jennifer Bishop has lived and photographed in Baltimore City since 1975. She published a weekly stand-alone photograph in Baltimore’s City Paper for 17 years. These photos were described as “small, ...