Alexander Sambath Abner vs. Miron Lede, 2009 SCC OnLine Mad 2851 is also to the same effect. Thus, an order for alteration, modification or revocation operates prospectively and not retrospectively.
Sunil @ Sonu Etc. Vs. State NCT of Delhi [Criminal Appeal Nos. of 2024 arising out of SLP (Crl.) Nos. 6250-6251 of 2024] B.R. Gavai, J. 1. Leave granted. 2. The present appeals ch ...
Son of Moti Lal, i.e., Ram Sevak had predeceased him and when Moti Lal died intestate on 08.02.1982, his widow Gomti Bai and Meera Devi, his daughter-in-law (widow of Ram Sevak), inherited the ...
Central Bureau of Investigation Vs. Dilip Mulani & Anr. [Criminal Appeal No. 3863 of 2024 arising out of SLP (Crl.) No.1273 of 2021] ...