马来亚共产党 (简称 "马共"), 自1930年成立至1989年其总书记陈平与马泰两国政府签订和平协议为止,共历时约59年. 1930年代为马共草创期,因受殖民地政府牵制而进行地下活动。日据时期,马共动员组织人民抗日军,并与英军合作抗敌。战后,马共被承认为合法 ...
本文重思了从晚清到二战期间,中国政治和民间记录中关于海外华人的论述。相较于时下流行的观点,即相信中国民族主义者所成功宣称的海外华人被重新动员并纳入了中国,本文更倾向于认为域外的中国民族主义并不强调这种包容,而是建立在将之分离为一 ...
Since its inaugural competition in 2020, World Scientific has sponsored the cash prize for the annual Xiamen University Malaysia Campus (XMUM) Cup Physics Competition for Secondary Schools, and this ...
Dr Cheong is part of the Division of Mathematical Sciences at NTU's School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), with a joint appointment in the College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS).
《新加坡华人通史》是第一部以华文撰写的华人通史,是一部介于“学术与通俗”之间的史籍。本书内容浩瀚,涵盖领域广,时间跨度大。全书从开埠前的“海疆殊域”到经济转型;从上层社会的领袖人物到基层人民的生活样相;从落叶归根到落地生根;从华商 ...
近年来,巴西华侨华人研究引起了国际国内学者的兴趣。然而,由于中巴两国距离遥远,语言不通,加上资料缺乏,目前该领域的研究规模与进展并不大。在此,笔者根据现有中巴两国公布的官方资料,对巴西华侨华人的人口,特别是2000年以来的中国移民人口 ...
爪哇、苏门答腊及东南亚其他地区的一些贸易中心和城镇,曾是连契印度、中国和日本的古丝绸之路要冲,也是丝路沿途商旅和僧人的主要停泊站。 近期南中国海周边和印度洋沿岸海陆遗址的考古发掘,这些来自于陆上和海底的文物,呈现出许多的相似之处,体 ...
World Scientific congratulates author of Time and Beauty, Adrian Bejan, the J.A. Jones Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Duke University, USA for being named the 2024 recipient of ...
Véronique Gouverneur, co-editor of Fluorine in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry and Professor from Oxford University’s Department of Chemistry, has been awarded the Royal Society’s Davy Medal ...
Existing users will be able to log into the site and access content. However, E-commerce and registration of new users may not be available for up to 12 hours. For online purchase, please visit us ...
World Scientific publishes more than 400 titles in English each year. Many of these titles are suitable for translation into other languages. On this page, we've selected some newly-published and ...