The lifeblood of any battery is the electrolyte. It is the medium through which positively charged elements (cations) migrate en masse between the positive and negative electrodes. By this means, ...
The emerging low-altitude economy brings unconventional opportunities for urban and economic development, including ...
Small electric motors can be found in many household appliances, tools and computers as well as in modern cars, where they drive auxiliary units such as pumps and fans. Individually, each of these ...
Engineers working on Google's DeepMind project have announced the development of two new AI-based robot systems. One called ALOHA Unleashed was developed to advance the science of bi-arm manipulation.
A multi-institutional research team led by Georgia Tech's Hailong Chen has developed a new, low-cost cathode that could radically improve lithium-ion batteries (LIBs)—potentially transforming the ...
Google has monopolized the technology used to buy and sell online display ads by restricting or eliminating the choices of its customers—both website publishers and advertisers—the U.S. Justice ...
Engineers at RMIT University have designed an innovative tubular structural system that can be packed flat for easier transport and pop up into strong building materials. This breakthrough is made ...
The electricity provider for Orlando, Florida, and its customers could use relationship therapy as they venture together into an era of sunshine powering homes, cars and most everything else. What the ...
Sub-Saharan Africa, home to 80% of the global population without electricity access, is unlikely to reach the United Nations' goal of access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for ...
The Biden administration has launched a new initiative to crack down on smugglers at U.S. borders and ports. The concern isn't drugs or counterfeit goods, though; it's a refrigerant that's also a ...
As the country ramps up its stock of solar farms in the West, rural Nevada is bracing for impact. Especially so in one of the state's most-strained water basins outside of Las Vegas. Following the ...
Drones can make air freight cheaper and remote areas more connected. But tracking them will be key. When brothers Svilen and Konstantin Rangelov first set up a small start-up called Dronamics in their ...