The necropolises of Pompeii provide insights into the ancient culture and beliefs about death and the afterlife, showcasing a ...
Thebes, the city of the god Amon, was the capital of Egypt during the period of the Middle and New Kingdoms. With the temples and palaces at Karnak and Luxor, and the ...
Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, the fifth sultan, established Hyderabad after Golconda became uninhabitable. He enlisted renowned ...
Most were closed decades ago as the burial industry created cemeteries and memorial gardens away from churches. Large ...
Everybody else was given a simple grave burial in one of the vast cemeteries or "necropolises" of the time. But the promise of eternal life was so alluring that it wasn't long before wealthy ...
It’s fitting that it was the expansion-minded ancient Romans who built Europe’s first super highway — they understood the ...
Large necropolises are now being re‑imagined as urban parks while continuing as active burial grounds. In contrast, dormant graveyards are largely overlooked as urban pocket parks. Yet these ...
Everybody else was given a simple grave burial in one of the vast cemeteries or "necropolises" of the time. But the promise of eternal life was so alluring, that it wasn't long before wealthy ...
Like Sicily, Sardinia was merged with Italy in 1861, but even today most islanders will proudly describe themselves as ...
Over half of historical sites located along the coastline of Türkiye and Greece are at a ‘very high’ or ‘high’ risk of going underwater by the end of the century as sea levels rise, new ...