Born in 1987 in Sanming, Fujian province, Qiubi said that she got her first Canon compact camera, a gift from her father when ...
路透社1月25日(当地时间)报道称,美国共和党总统候选人哈里斯(Kamala Devi Harris)副总统阵营表示,共募集了5亿4000万美元(约7176亿韩元)的竞选资金。
Bato Zaya spent his childhood as a shepherd in the pastoral areas of Wenquan County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and he is a member of the Xinjiang regional training base for ...
现年80岁的尹光去年因「AI尹光」人气爆灯,入行60多年首度晋身「我最喜爱的男歌手」五强,可惜最后败给后辈张敬轩。日前尹光作客澳门YouTuber「欢乐马介休」频道,尹光到女仆cafe更被称呼尹光做主人,当中还有伪娘混入,见惯大场面的尹光直说:「唔惊 ...
The energy was palpable as participants from various backgrounds gathered to partake in the festivities. The day's highlight was a hands-on Shaomai cooking workshop. Shaomai are a staple of Chinese ...
I am not myself 可不能直译为我不是我自己,这句话真正的意思是:我今天不在状态,有点心神不宁。 例句: I'm not myself today, otherwise I'll do it myself. 我今天有点不在状态,否则这事我就亲自去做了。 Eat one's words≠把字吃了 To eat one's words作为习惯用语,它的意思 ...
对于一碰到枕头即可入睡的人来说,入眠需要练习这件事简直难以想像。听过不少人有失眠的问题,长年累月大概欠下了不少“睡眠债”。常听朋友说,大概35岁以上想要熬夜,第二天的状态必定奇差。也确实如此,20岁上下的阶段有大把青春可以挥霍,在朋友家里聊天聊到天亮 ...
科技与时尚,在这个数字化时代已经紧密结合,打开一扇全新的窗户,引领年轻一代探知未来。9月14日,以“Leading Myself”为主题的「 leader冰箱×ANKIMEKI联合发布 」在北京中国大饭店成功举办。
The first thing that caught my eye was a new energy vehicle (NEV) adorned with a "Yak Travel" logo in both Tibetan and Mandarin, featuring the image of a running yak. I was told "Yak Travel" is a ...
(吉隆坡6日讯)一名新手妈妈在产后为了自我奖励,竟大快朵颐吃起生鱼片和寿司,完全不理会坐月子的禁忌,而在网上掀起议论。一般坐月子的禁忌,就是必须忌口食用生食及未煮熟的食物。然而,一名TikTok百万巫裔女网红爱娜南日前上传一段视频,显示她在病房内吃生 ...