周五,Needham的一位金融分析师维持了对Masimo Corp. (NASDAQ:MASI)股票的持有评级。该医疗技术公司的分析报告强调,预计投资公司Politan的参与可能会随着时间的推移为Masimo增加价值。 然而,分析师对公司与Politan的首次代理权之争后可能面临的短期挑战表示担忧,这导致公司大幅下调了财务指引。 分析师指出,虽然Masimo首席执行官Joe Kiani和首席运营官 ...
周五,Piper Sandler维持对Masimo Corp. (NASDAQ:MASI)股票的增持评级,目标价为165.00美元。这一决定是在Politan宣布其提名的Bill Jellison和Darlene Solomon根据初步结果当选Masimo董事会后做出的。 选举在公司年度股东大会(AGM)期间进行,之后Masimo尚未发布官方声明。当被联系要求更新情况时,Masimo管理层表示"暂 ...
"There are certain pockets of talent that are really tight: People who understand large language models, deep learning ...
Masimo’s founder and chief executive Joe Kiani and another director lost their seats to two candidates put forward by ...
Masimo’s Joe Kiani an avid audiophile, is set to set to walk from the Company he founded, with the former CEO, who acquired ...
"We are united in our enthusiasm for Masimo’s future as a leading, innovation-focused growth company," the newest board ...
Joe Kiani, founder of a company that he built into billions of dollars of sales, was ousted from the board, according to an ...
Masimo Corp shareholders elected both director candidates proposed by veteran activist investor Quentin Koffey's hedge fund Politan Capital Management, in one of the most contentious boardroom battles ...
Masimo shareholders today will decide on a bitter proxy fight between the company's founder and CEO Joe Kiani and Politan ...
Koffey was elected to Masimo’s board in June 2023 along with Politan-backed candidate Michelle Brennan, a former Johnson & Johnson executive. The hedge fund argued that Masimo’s $1 billion acquisition ...
Days before a critical AGM a US Judge has slapped Politan Capital Management executives, who are trying to taker control of ...
After his speech to last month’s Democratic National Convention, President Joe Biden flew off for a holiday near Santa Barbara, California. His host was Joe Kiani, a billionaire medical device ...