commended my work as a study of ‘the way three discourses interpenetrate and influence each other. The argument is pitched in the overlap of law, literature, and psychoanalysis, disciplines uniquely ...
Through the Incarnation, God and creation interpenetrate, much like the Persons of the Trinity. When the Gospel of John tells us that "the Word became flesh and lived [tabernacled] among us" (1:14 ...
The lively colours of the paintings bring out the sculpted detail and, in the upper areas, the frescoes and stuccowork interpenetrate to produce a light and living decor of unprecedented richness and ...
Mass and space interpenetrate, as do right-angle construction and spatial curvature. Unlike the ancient bronze tradition in which the outside form is designed to reveal the figure’s purported ...
Moreover, I was able to nuance prevailing ideas of headphones as intrinsically anti-social or isolating technologies, providing analysis of how ‘interior’ and ‘exterior’ lifeworlds interpenetrate ...