Finally, we treated wild-type and TGR5 knockout mice orally with hyodeoxycholic acid to assess its antidiabetic effects. Results We show that oligofructose sustains the production of 6α-hydroxylated ...
生物素标记薯蓣皂甙Biotin-Dioscin 生物素标记人参二醇,Biotin-Panaxadiol 生物素标记依帕司他,Biotin-Epalrestat 生物素标记猪去氧胆酸,Biotin-Hyodeoxycholic acid 生物素标记大黄酸,Biotin-Rhein 生物素标记 ...
本品为 3α,6α-二羟基-5β-胆烷酸。按干燥品计算,含C 24 H 40 O 4 计算,不得少于98.0%。 【性状】 本品为白色或类白色的粉末;无臭或微腥,味微苦。 本品在乙醇中易溶,在丙酮中微溶,在 ...
相关产品: 生物素-淫羊藿次苷I,Biotin-Icariside I 生物素标记薯蓣皂甙Biotin-Dioscin 生物素标记人参二醇,Biotin-Panaxadiol 生物素标记依帕司他,Biotin-Epalrestat 生物素标记猪去氧胆酸,Biotin-Hyodeoxycholic ...