In the process of Saudi Arabia's continuous economic diversification and development, China has become an important partner.
Famed for his comedic flair, culinary prowess and musical ability, Big Zuu takes an all-star array of celebrity guests on a quest across Europe to get a true flavour of each city through sampling the ...
9月30日,记者从2024国庆假日贵阳贵安文旅活动新闻通气会上获悉,2024年国庆节假期,全市文商体农旅活动聚焦资源、客源、服务三大要素,不断擦亮“爽爽贵阳”品牌,围绕爽身、爽心、爽眼、爽口、爽购、爽游,策划“六爽”主题活动,拟举办各类活动200余项 ...
昨天(9月28日),2024世界设计之都大会金山分会场暨第十届东方设计论坛在漕泾数字游民国际村举行。该论坛由上海交通大学发起,迄今已在上海成功举办九届,金山首次作为分会场,聚焦大都市背景下珍稀的乡村资源,结合“我为乡村种风景”长三角青年乡村振兴设计活 ...
SANAA, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) -- Yemen's Houthi group claimed on Saturday that it had launched a missile attack on Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv in Israel.
BEIJING, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping said Sunday that over the past 75 years the Communist Party of China (CPC) has led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in creating the ...
BEIJING, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) — President Xi Jinping on Sunday called on the Chinese people to learn from heroes and role models to form a mighty force to build a strong China.
9月27日,长春市绿园区委书记宋长者先后到普阳街道、铁西街道、自立街道,调研城市精细化管理和改造工程项目建设情况,现场研究存在问题,并提出具体工作要求。 宋长者强调, 要突出为民导向。
BEIJING, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has encouraged industrial workers to further contribute wisdom and strength to building a country that is strong in manufacturing and ...
On the food supply side, China stabiu0002lized food production years ago. Its grain output has been above 600 billion kilou0002grams since 2012, with the grain producu0002tion in 2023 touching a new ...