Will the US central bank lower interest rates by 25 or 50 basis points? Fed chair Jay Powell has hinted rates are coming down ...
对于此次降准0.5个百分点,潘功胜称,目前金融机构加权平均存款准备金率为7%,降准0.5个百分点后,银行业平均存款准备金率6.6%,与国际上主要经济体的央行相比还有一定空间。 此次降低政策利率,7天逆回购操作利率下调20BPS (Basis point)。潘功胜预计本次降息将带动MLF下调0.3个百分点,预计LPR和存款利率也将随之下行0.2至0.25个百分点,对银行净息差总体保持中性。
品浩(PIMCO)执行副总裁兼资产配置及多元实质资产投资组合经理盛宜铭(Emmanuel ...
The Dow Jones closed higher by around 522 points to 42,025.19 on Thursday. The S&P 500 surged 1.70% to 5,713.64, while the Nasdaq Composite climbed 2.51% at 18,013.98 during Thursday's session.
In the week ending September 13, all three major U.S. stock indexes posted significant gains, with the Nasdaq surging nearly ...
Bitcoin koers en cryptomarkt staan op scherp te midden van aanstaande renteverlagingen en recordhashrates. Lees het laatste nieuws en de verwachtingen.
Stel, je bedrijf is slachtoffer van een cyberaanval. Of je datacenter gaat plat door een natuurramp. Dan wil je je geen ...
Total assets of China's financial institutions rose to 480.64 trillion yuan (about 68.03 trillion US dollars) as of the end ...
De combinatie van nieuwe high-performance access points en switches met unieke AI for Networking-mogelijkheden en ...