Butterflies, like bees, play a crucial role in pollination by transferring pollen between flowers, aiding plant reproduction.
Wondering if those eggs or caterpillars on your herb plants are pests or beneficial wildlife? Identify a parsley caterpillar ...
Big, vibrant and abundant swallowtail butterflies bring a flurry of eye-catching activity to backyards across the United ...
Insect larvae are often voracious feeders. Caterpillars are a good example. Next to our garden, we plant a number of planters with dill, not for their culinary value but because they are one of the ...
Q: Parsley caterpillars have just about eaten all my parsley. This is a good thing. I have four plants and 30 worms of different sizes/stages. My problem is the parsley is almost gone and I am not ...
Walking through the Brunswick Botanical Garden, I am treated to riots of yellow sulfur and black swallowtail butterflies, busily sipping nectar from the last of the summer flowers. As we get ...
The zebra swallowtail butterfly is stunning, with long, sword-like tails, black-and-white stripes, and a bold red stripe on its underwing to warn would-be predators: Do not eat me, for I am poison.
A Zebra swallowtail sips nectar from a bush in Beechview in May 2010. The sighting was not reported until much later. (Photo by Lenore Raffle) This story was originally published by NEXTpittsburgh, a ...
Daniel Brown in front of a zebra swallowtail butterfly model that he made in his woodworking shed, on Aug. 26, 2024, at his home in Greenfield. (Photo by Benjamin Brady/Public Source) To paraphrase ...
A zebra swallowtail butterfly, photographed in the Greenfield yard of Daniel Brown on June 21. Photo courtesy of Daniel Brown. When we bought the house in 2017, the backyard was an empty green ...
Scientists have found a new way to see how butterflies develop their colors. Butterflies use color for a number of important functions, including as signals for mate-choice or to ward off predators.