Olsson, Susanne 2017. Shia as Internal Others: A Salafi Rejection of the ‘Rejecters’. Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, Vol. 28, Issue. 4, p. 409.
An expert on China's ethnic minorities, particularly the Tibetan and Uygur communities, his research focuses on minority ...
The region and the world should reconsider their policies toward Afghanistan and the Taliban. They must assist the ...
The director head of the Hamburg Islamic Center said, “The West is afraid of the spread of Islam, especially because it is ...
Strnad, Vladislav and Hynek, Nik 2020. ISIS’s hybrid identity: a triangulated analysis of the Dabiq narrative. Defence Studies, Vol. 20, Issue. 1, p. 82.
The Taliban represent the worst of religious fascism that is drenched in extreme misogyny for the purpose of allaying their ...
Speaking at a 3 December 2007 Kennan Institute lecture, Knysh analyzed political and religious movements in the Northern Caucasus through the prism of the ongoing conflict between two competing ...
This brand of salafism evolved significantly since it emerged over a century ago in the Middle East. A pivotal figure in this transformation was an Egyptian intellectual and Qur’an commentator ...
Those shaken by Germany's turn to the far-right have been blinded by Germany's liberal facade and wilfully ignored the cries ...
While it was “necessary to warn against the dangers of Salafism,” Movassat told POLITICO, “the video bears an alarming resemblance to the negative depictions of Jews in the Third Reich and one gets ...
Muslims worldwide have entered the month marking the Prophet Muhammad's birth. This “month of light and beauty” has faced ...
Most Islamic countries celebrate the day; however, conservative schools of Islamic thought such as Wahhabism-Salafism, Deobandism, and Ahl-i Hadith regard it as a bid'ah or bidat, a religious ...