In an exclusive interview with Shanghai Daily, Russ Shaw CBE, founder of Global Tech Advocates and London Tech Ambassador, ...
Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining addressed the opening ceremony, highlighting the city's dedication to advancing ...
This new high-speed rail line will also greatly benefit residents along the route. People living in Pujiang, Dongyang, and Pan’an will be able to board high-speed trains at their local stations, while ...
根据用户访问量和点评量综合计算后得出 水竹湾峡谷漂流,位于浙江省金华市浦江县檀溪镇水竹湾森林公园内,漂流全长3.5公里,落差100米,激流险滩30余处,漂完全程需要60分钟。漂流船在森林溪流中荡漾,回环曲折,或急或缓,惊而不险,被誉为浙江第一漂 ...
The inaugural China-Hungary Science Innovation Day was launched on Sept 7 during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Pujiang Innovation Forum in Shanghai. The event, marked by the presence of a ...