The microbiome in dental health is a crucial and rapidly evolving area of research that highlights the relationship between ...
Maintaining good oral hygiene is about more than just a bright smile—it could also play a crucial role in protecting your ...
Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease caused by a periodontal pathogenic bacteria infection that affects oral and ...
Prunin laurate (Pru-C12) and its analogs were tested against the periodontal pathogenic bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis. The results showed that while several of the compounds inhibited ...
Prunin laurate (Pru-C12) and its analogs were tested against the periodontal pathogenic bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis. The findings were published in Foods. The results showed that while ...
长者如果变得孤僻或焦虑,可能是失智症前兆,并且可能逐渐出现具有攻击性的行为。英国线上药局「Chemist Click」药剂师卡纳尼(Abbas Kanani)表示,患者可能会变得更焦虑,并且出现大吼大叫、言语攻击、甚至是举止等有攻击性的行为。
FORGETFULNESS and memory loss – both things that come to mind when we think of dementia. But did you know there are other ...
Prunin laurate (Pru-C12) and its analogs were tested against the periodontal pathogenic bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis. The results showed that while several of the compounds inhibited ...
Table 1. Microbiology and antimicrobial therapy of bite infections.