In any workplace, problems arise every day that need to be solved. In a manufacturing environment, solving problems can be challenging due to the large number of interrelated systems that exist in the ...
There are many approaches and selecting the best can be a challenge in itself! We will explore three common problem-solving approaches, 8D, DMAIC and PDCA, unpick the jargon and look at the benefits, ...
Four months ago, this column revealed that Cuba’s military dictatorship was abducting and forcibly conscripting an estimated ...
Rana Sanaullah, who also holds the portfolio of Ministry of Inter Provincial Coordination (IPC) revealed that the team has expressed interest in meeting the prime minister to share their success story ...
The Sentinel
Casey Cep on Ronald E. Walters of the National Cemetery Administration.
Understanding and using your business’s core strengths can set you apart from the competition. These core strengths, or core ...
As IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company continues its “exit mode” from the AB-PMJAY-SEHAT scheme in J&K, the Private ...
压紧压实两级党委、改革领导小组、责任部门三级责任,运用PDCA循环法,助力公司改革组织力提升,四维发力推进各项任务措施落实落地。 “计划”-顶层设计发力,规划“一盘棋”。把国企 ...
华声在线9月20日讯(通讯员 吴仙红 段磊)近日,由国务院国资委社会责任局指导、中国质量协会主办的第七届中央企业QC小组成果发表赛在浙江省嘉兴市举行,经过三天激烈角逐,五矿二十三冶乘风破浪QC小组从众多参赛小组中脱颖而出,荣获二等奖。
9月6日至8日,国家卫生健康委医院管理研究所在杭州成功主办第三届中国医疗质量大会,会上公布了2024年医疗质量安全管理持续改进典型案例评选结果,平度市人民医院医学影像科护士长刘磊娟负责组织实施并提报的《运用PDCA提高影像诊断符合率》项目荣获医疗质量 ...
本报讯(张玉良 张君)9月12日,中国医药质量管理协会主办的第七届全国医院质量管理成果发表大会在石家庄举行。此次大赛共有来自全国各地1000多项案例参赛,300余项进入决赛。河北工程大学附属医院质控处组织的2项参赛案例突出重围,均取得三等奖成绩。 据介绍,该院《质控新“脉”动,血栓“0”容忍——运用PDCA循环模式提高深静脉血栓预防措施规范落实率》案例,由质控处处长刘建霞、护理部主任王芳担任辅导员 ...