Trainees of the No Business as Usual Youth Empowerment Center (NBU-YEC) project, preparing to enter the world of ...
The Mainzer, a future boutique hotel in a historic Texas building that houses New Braunfels Utilities, is facing delays after ...
The National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity of Ukraine has decided to restrict the use of Telegram in government ...
The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) remains opposed to increasing the bank profit tax in 2024 from 25%, to 50% and will ...
The National Bank has lowered rates for 3-month deposit certificates and refinancing loans.This is stated in the message of ...
The Board of the National Bank has decided to retain the discount rate at the level of 13%.This is stated in the message of ...
In a significant move to address capital flight amid ongoing economic challenges, Ukraine’s central <a target=_blank href= ...
为普及急救知识,提高辖区居民应急救护能力,9月14日上午,滕州市龙泉街道新时代文明实践所开展“科普汇·惠万家”急救知识科普宣传活动。街道新时代文明实践所、科协、龙泉苑社区工作人员,部分居民群众参加活动。  活动中,急救专家用首先通俗易懂的语言,为居民详细讲解了心肺复苏术(CPR)、自动体外除颤仪(AED)、 ...
MOSCOW. Sept 17 (Interfax) - The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) considers another increase in the bank profit tax to 50% as too risky, it intends to announce decisions by the end of this week that ...
The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) considers another increase in bank profit tax to 50% too risky and intends to announce a ...