作为致力于推动标准化联接促进智算网络创新的“领头羊”,新华三基于400G智算交换机与十余家模块厂商的DSP&LPO模块现场互联测试,良好的测试结果充分体现了新华三智算交换机的稳定性与兼容性,基于光互连技术为智算网络建设提速、降耗,全面赋能AI产业高速 ...
LPO MSA联合主席Peter Del Vecchio表示:“线性光学是提高AI训练和推理系统性能的同时降低总拥有成本(TCO)的重要工具。基于LPO MSA规范草案的多方互操作性测试的成功,是向业界证明LPO能够与广泛的光模块和网络组件生态系统一起大规模部署的重要一步。” ...
Piedmont Lithium has pulled its application for a debt package from a popular U.S. government loan program and is scaling ...
The one-story brick building in Belltown that once housed beloved restaurant Mama’s Mexican Kitchen will apparently soon be ...
In an interview with Microgrid Knowledge, Jigar Shah, director of the DOE’s Loan Programs Office (LPO), describes the ...
[Photo: Steve Marcus/File Photo/REUTERS] Under President Joe Biden, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office (LPO) has awarded nearly $25 billion in conditional loans to 21 companies ...
London Philharmonic Orchestra will return to Carnegie Hall after a decade, featuring Principal Conductor Edward Gardner and ...
Wabash Valley Resources received a conditional loan guarantee of up to $1.559 billion from the U.S. Department of Energy’s ...
证券时报e公司讯,华工科技 (000988)全资子公司华工正源官微消息,9月11日,在CIOE2024中国光博会上,华工正源重磅发布两款全新一代基于自研硅光的1.6T高端模块产品。新发布的两款1.6T光模块,搭载自研单波200G硅光芯片;其中1.6T OSFP(DSP)模块产品基于业界今年推出最先进的5nm 电口200Gbps PAM-4 ...
Taking the baton for the 7:30 p.m. performance will be LPO music director Matthew Kraemer. Brian Raphael Nabors An assistant professor of composition at the Baton Rouge university, Nabors' works ...