Americans also love their car-bumper stickers, especially ones that piously ask, “What would Jesus do?” The question acts as ...
The idea that many Galileans knew Greek is hardly new. Adolf van Harnack and Shirley Jackson Case held it decades ago, and a long series of essays in The Expository Times, many titled “Did Jesus Speak ...
Nocchi Macedo said it confirms assessments that the Infancy Gospel of Thomas was originally written in Greek. After ...
is that Jesus himself would not have been far removed from that vibrant intersection of Greek culture, on the one hand, and traditional Jewish homeland culture on the other. Sepphoris seems to ...
Jesus (Joshua) of Navi was born of the tribe of Ephraim in Egypt, in the seventeenth century before Christ. When he was eighty-five years of age, he became Moses' successor. He restrained the River ...
Okay, so about that "H." The Chi Rho monogram is often used to represent Jesus Christ's name. It consists of the first two ...
Jesus is fully divine because he is the son of God. Therefore, if we want to understand who Jesus is, in himself and for us, we have to look back at his origins, we have to study God. Since the word ...
First, John presents seven signs (semeia in Greek) to show Jesus' divinity. The seven signs precede and foreshadow the great "Eighth Sign" of Jesus' death and resurrection. Next, we find seven "I ...
Saint Paul made two missionary journeys to Greece, bringing Christianity to its people; from there, and it then spread ...
An ancient mosaic located near what s believed to be the site of the prophesied Armageddon contains a reference to Jesus as ...
Jesus is the Giver of Life! The miracle that feeds the five thousand tells us that Jesus is the Bread of Life. We receive the Bread of Life through faith and sacrament. The Church Fathers relate this ...