"Will the zucchinis stop growing soon?" asked my kids, desperate for a dinner that doesn't revolve around summer squash. Once ...
Unlike other plants in your vegetable garden, these squash plants will continue to produce up until the first frost or until the plant's health declines, whichever comes first. Zucchini and summer ...
Edible grasses such as corn, barley, millet, oats and wheat require large areas. They definitely fall into the category of ...
Growing your business could include getting into one or more additional operating levels that occur within your industry. For most students of this course, limited degrees of vertical integration are ...
Plant immunity is the inherent or induced capacity of plants to withstand or ward off biological attack by pathogens. Molecules released from pathogens are recognised by plant cell surface ...
Plant genetics deals with heredity in plants, specifically mechanisms of hereditary transmission and variation of inherited characteristics. Plant genetics differs from animal genetics in a number ...