Dispersion, selective coagulation and flocculation are the major accessories of the mineral engineering field. The organic and inorganic chemicals used in these functions belong to a group of ...
Scale Inhibitor Additives or chemical agents prevent or remove mineral scale formation. Scale inhibitors dissolve the mineral scale and tie up metal ions through a sequestration or chelation process.
KMG Chemicals, Inc. manufactures, formulates and globally distributes specialty chemicals. The Company has acquired and operates businesses selling electronic chemicals, industrial wood ...
More than 3,600 chemicals that leach into food during the manufacturing, processing, packaging and storage of the world’s food supply end up in the human body — and some are connected to ...
The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Northwestern University is pioneering transformational discoveries in synthetic biology, biotechnology, catalysis, medicine, complex systems, ...
The Master’s degree programme is the key to specialisation. Subjects are chosen to adequately supplement the main focus areas of the second and third years of the Bachelor’s programme. The programme ...
The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Northwestern University is pioneering transformational discoveries in synthetic biology, biotechnology, medicine, complex systems, energy, ...
(Nature 631, 698–699; 2024) is a case in point. Unless they are highly air-sensitive, most chemicals degrade very slowly. In the past, researchers would quickly recrystallize, redistil or ...
Chemical biology is the study of the chemicals and chemical reactions involved in biological processes, incorporating the disciplines of bioorganic chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology and pharma ...
Chemical reactions make new chemicals. Atoms are rearranged during a chemical reaction, but the number of atoms does not change. Evidence of chemical reactions includes a large temperature change ...
The Australian parliament will conduct a national inquiry into the dangers of "forever chemicals." The move comes after a string of revelations about the potential dangers of the substances ...