很多女性朋友碰到令人生气的事情,都会劝说自己:“不要生气,为这种事儿气出子宫肌瘤不值得。” 这种主动维护情绪健康的意识很值得称许,不过话说回来,负面情绪真的会促成子宫肌瘤的增长吗? 唉,真的会啊…… 子宫肌瘤是什么?
A Harvard study of almost 2,000 former National Football League players revealed that about one-third believe they have ...
Announcing a new article publication for Zoonoses journal. The aim of this study was to monitor the spectrum of viral pathogens involved in febrile rash illness (FRI) and their epidemiology. A ...
A third of former football players who played between 1960 and 2020 say they believe they have chronic traumatic ...
A 38-year-old man from Kerala has been confirmed as India’s first mpox clade 1 infection. This is a deadlier strain of the ...
Assistant professor Jade Benjamin-Chung and a team of researchers created a sustainable, low-carbon alternative to concrete ...
特别是在摄入红肉(如猪肉、牛肉、羊肉)的情况下,这种风险更为显著,血红素铁在红肉引起的2型糖尿病风险中占到了65.6%。 研究还发现, 血红素铁的摄入量与糖尿病风险之间存在线性关系 ,每天摄入量每增加1毫克,糖尿病的风险就会上升28%。
[1] Morita, Akimichi. "Tobacco smoke causes premature skin aging." Journal of dermatological science 48.3 (2007): 169-175. [2 ...
Dr Ray O’Connor takes a look at the latest clinical papers on certain aspects of oncology research ...
High levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere can alter not only the climate of our planet but also the functioning ...