KHARTOUM, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) -- Sudanese Health Minister Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim announced on Sunday the launch of a one-month campaign to address the cholera epidemic.
HONG KONG, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) -- It is time for Hong Kong to explore more sources of investment as the U.S. Federal Reserve's 50-basis point interest rate cut is expected to cheer up market mood and ...
中新社是亚洲上网最早的中文媒体之一, 于1995年在香港上线,用户遍及五大洲100多个国家和地区。 作为中新社的官方网站,中新网 ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday and voiced willingness to work together with China to advance multipolarity and build an international order ...
Elombi highlighted decades of Chinese investments in Africa, noting projects of all sizes have benefited millions. Data from ...
The BDS is a global navigation system constructed and operated independently by China. As a significant space infrastructure, ...
A growing number of youths are suffering hair loss and other hair problems, and they are more than willing to splurge on ...
中国侨网版权所有,未经授权禁止复制和建立镜像 [京ICP备05004340号-12] [京公网安备:110102001262] 违法和不良信息举报电话:(010)68315039 举报邮箱:[email protected] ...
9月2日,国家卫生健康委就十四届全国人大二次会议中提出的《关于进一步加强我国青年医师培养的建议》作出答复,并在“助力住院医师职业发展设计”一项中,提出 畅通住院医师通过同等学力申请学位的途径 。
这份来之不易的“答卷”,缘于邮储银行持续构建和巩固差异化竞争优势。在9月2日举办的2024年中期业绩发布会上,邮储银行行长刘建军表示,“打造一家优秀的银行是一场需要坚持长期主义的‘马拉松长跑’,而为者常成、行者常至,作为一家百年传承、日新月异的大型零售银行,我们有决心、也有能力塑造发展新动能新优势,在任何环境下,都能形成自己差异化的优势,走出不一样的道路。” ...