9月26日,由impact.com主办的iPX 2024 China在深圳圆满落幕。这是数字营销与合作伙伴营销领域峰会——iPX (Partnerships ...
(财见2024年9月26日讯)近日,一只中国“石猴”横空出世,在海外持续刷屏,获得广泛关注。虽然“齐天大圣”孙悟空跟随唐僧西天取经的故事早已落幕,但随着《黑神话:悟空》的上线,这款以《西游记》为蓝本创作的国产3A游戏再次将中国传统文化带到海外,悟空也 ...
Esta foto muestra productos de helado en la feria Ice Cream China 2024 en la municipalidad de Tianjin, en el norte de China, ...
LIBER is an independent privately-owned company dedicated to crafted wines, champagnes and spirits. Their activities are ...
【ITBEAR】9月26日消息,上海即将迎来全球工程机械行业的瞩目盛事。bauma CHINA 2024将于11月26日至29日在上海新国际博览中心隆重举行,预计将吸引超过3400家国内外参展商,以及来自130余个国家和地区的20万名专业观众共襄盛会 ...
O projeto fase II do primeiro campo de gás em águas ultraprofundas desenvolvido de forma independente pela China, Shenhai ...
Hu Xijin, ex redactor jefe del Global Times, financiado por el Estado chino, y destacado comentarista nacionalista, lleva más ...
The value of China's international trade in goods and services reached approximately 4.18 trillion yuan in August this year, ...
The visa-free policy, Wang said, will encourage more Danish citizens to visit China, fostering closer cultural and business connections. Rasmussen praised the initiative, noting that it will ...
O desenvolvimento verde e de baixo carbono da China apresenta pontos positivos e abre novas oportunidades, disse um ...
El banco central de China anunció hoy viernes que reducirá el coeficiente de reserva obligatoria (RRR, por sus siglas en ...