全球最受用户欢迎的10大社交平台你知道是啥吗?在这个信息爆炸的时代,社交媒体已经成为人们生活中的一部分,今天为大家做的是当下全球月活跃用户最多的10家社交平台排行榜,而在这10大社交平台中,中国就占了4家,那么抖音和快手在全球能排在第几名呢?下面我们 ...
In India, two of the leading startups, Zepto and Razorpay, pivoted in their early days. Interestingly, both these unicorns ...
Key Points Pivoting is crucial when your startup faces stagnation, lacks product-market fit, or experiences declining ...
Instagram didn't start out as the photo-sharing app we know it as. The original concept was a check-in app called Burbn back in 2010. Early prototypes and user feedback revealed that its main ...