Pale ales are certainly popular, with the style giving many breweries the freedom to make it their own, but lagers have found ...
More and more California winemakers and winery owners are consciously focusing on growing grapes and making wines in ways ...
最近,飞天茅台的价格持续下跌。今日酒价数据显示,9月24日,53度/500ml规格的2024年飞天茅台原箱批发参考价为2355元/瓶,散瓶为2250元/瓶;“龙茅”原箱批发价为2490元/瓶。值得注意的是,“龙茅”的官方指导价为2499元/瓶,已跌破 ...
If that stubby holder you've been holding onto for the last decade it looking worse for wear, we've found the perfect upgrade ...
Other ultra-aged offerings have included the Macallan’s Red Collection, a permanent lineup of 40-, 50- and 60-year-old ...
Place the porcini in a heatproof bowl, cover with 1½ cups (375ml) of boiling water. Set aside for 10 minutes, to rehydrate. 2. Meanwhile, place pork, breadcrumbs, onion, garlic, egg, fennel seeds, ...
Thomas Ashbourne Craft Spirits will be kicking off the holiday season in true craft cocktail fashion, hosting The Happy Hour ...
有关雷司令,更早的文字记载出现在1435年的3月13日,德国约翰四世伯爵(Count John IV)的存货清单上记录了他曾购买过六棵雷司令葡萄树。 作为一名资深甜酒爱好者,只品一口就决定一定要带给你们,这款百年老酒庄产的德国纯正莱茵雷司令: ...
经销体系的弊端,在这一轮白酒业的库存-价格乱象中,暴露无遗。顺周期惜售,推高价格;逆周期砸盘,造成价格倒挂。白酒市场巨大套利空间滋养的经销体系,成为白酒价格波动的助推手。白酒行业崛起的底层基石——经销体系,已经到了不得不变革的时候了。茅台直营化酝酿多 ...