世界上第一次气动塞式喷管(aerospike)火箭发动机的飞行试验以灾难告终,但北极星航空航天公司(Polaris Aerospace)已重回正轨,准备在几周内为其MIRA超音速/高超音速气动塞式航天飞机平台飞行两个新原型。 在MIRA ...
世界上第一次气动塞式喷管(aerospike)火箭发动机的飞行试验以灾难告终,但北极星航空航天公司(Polaris Aerospace)已重回正轨,准备在几周内为其MIRA超音速/高超音速气动塞式航天飞机平台飞行两个新原型。在MIRA ...
The Lox has a new plaque to add to their name. On Wednesday (Sept. 18), their classic record “Money, Power, & Respect” ...
【导读】本周6只基金新发,半数为股票型基金中国基金报记者  张玲       ...
Baked fish is a healthy go-to meal for many families, but the repertoire can get a little one-note. Here's how to use cream ...
Evanston’s food scene is constantly on the move, and this September is no different! It’s like musical chairs this month.
Alex Stupak serves New England fare at the Otter and Sloane’s, Bridges pulls from the larder of Europe and North America, and ...
7月3日,美国太空军的空间系统司令部将轨道服务计划(OSP)-4合同的第二个准入资格授予蓝色起源、Stoke Space。该合同无限交付、不限数量,价值高达9.86亿美元,已有Northrop Grumman、Firefly ...
In Southern California, a long time has passed since our famed citrus crop dominated the landscape. The orange groves have ...
With LOX-8, we've raised the bar for performance in cryogenic environments, making sure you can count on it when it matters the most.” - Gregg Reick, Fluoramics' President and Chief Chemical ...