近日,威孚仕VFS Global中国再次取得了全球职场文化权威机构Great Place to Work®(以下简称“卓越职场®”)颁发的“卓越职场认证™”(Great Place To Work®),并连续第二年荣膺“DEI雇主大奖(DEI ...
医管局透露,公立医院最新护士流失率为8.2%,录得负增长。有护士指,部分公院护士仍不是「五天工作」,难做到「工作与生活平衡(work-life ...
根据加州项目管理平台Redbooth发布的一项研究,员工最忙碌、工作效率最高的时间是 10月份 每个周一上午11点之前 。 这一结论是该公司分析了来自数十万使用该平台计划并跟进工作的用户项目数据后得出的。
Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman of Schneider Electric, envisions Shanghai's 2035 outlook. He said: "Looking into the future, ...
We wish you Good Health. Make sure you guys appreciate us and don't forget to Like, Share and Subscribe. We need your ...
Need work with different types of training methods, such as online courses, workshops, simulations, coaching, mentoring, or job shadowing. If you’re the right person for this opportunity and like the ...
The successful candidate will work with Ji Sun on structural and functional analysis of key molecules in human diseases on a project to understand disease mechanism and develop therapeutics. 2) Strong ...
In the week ending September 13, all three major U.S. stock indexes posted significant gains, with the Nasdaq surging nearly ...
SFC Markets and Finance: The government is launching future investment projects under the "Ignite Thailand" plan, related to ...
Europe is facing relatively high inflation and weak economy. Where is the ECB's monetary policy headed? Jean-Claude Trichet, ...
期间,津巴布韦总统姆南加古瓦参访了解放军陆军指挥学院,追忆60年前在中国的求学岁月,重温中非人民在反帝反殖反霸斗争中并肩奋斗的历史。上世纪中叶,包括姆南加古瓦总统在内的一批非洲国家青年军官来到中国军事院校学习。他们学成回国之后,积极投入到本国民族解放 ...