This 1969 documentary about a hard-driving Long Island insurance salesman confronts the sexist mores of the times and the ...
She flatly, unfeelingly watches videos of the murders. She devotes every late, sleepless hour outside of the courthouse to scouring the deep web for another murder video, which will either ...
Bastardy is her sin, and she must pay for the existence of a child ruthlessly, unfeelingly filched from the mother's bed by a po-faced priest. The experiences of these girls, and others ...
We are unfeelingly told by the health officers that the diseases of the poor are brought on by their own criminal neglect. We are all sensible how much the amelioration and care of such patients ...
Identity Crisis” is a fun and jovial animated exploration of child abuse and trauma under a totalitarian regime. Fun! Star ...
No doubt, photographs evoke metaphors, imageries and diverse interpretations. Imagery was evoked in my mind as I read President Bola Tinubu’s remarks during his recent adventure to China. He spoke ...