The government says it will shortly start a formal consultation on a new Decent Homes Standard for the private and social ...
The body representing over 300 mortgage lenders and financial services firms wants a total rethink of the housing market.
Government to consult on a new Decent Homes Standard for the rented sectorsAwaab's Law legislation for the social rented sector will be brought ...
Keith Haggis, known for his legendary Lark Lane bar, is relaunching a historic pub nestled in a residential area in the south ...
Angela Rayner will set out measures to protect renters from fire safety defects, damp and mould in her speech at the Labour ...
A woman says she and her son are having to sleep downstairs due to mould in their house on Meadow Walk, Pershore, owned by Rooftop Housing Group.
A FORMAL improvement notice issued by the government to BCP Council after it highlighted “very poor” relationships between ...
The report, from Dudley ’s Social Care Complaints Team, said: “Our key objective in the management of all complaints is to ...
Deputy prime minister Angela Rayner will pledge decent homes for all in a speech that puts the dismal state of housing front ...
The proposed legislation, Awaab's Law, is named after two-year-old Awaab, who died as a direct result of exposure to mould in ...
So far, Ms Rayner has not confirmed those timescales, but there is no good reason why these details should not have been ...
Davis, the authority's portfolio holder for regeneration and housing, denounced the lack of funding as “short-sighted and ...