Constellation Energy与微软达成协议,将重启宾夕法尼亚州Three Mile Island核电站的一个机组,这可能是同类型首次重启的先例。周五宣布的这项协议是为了响应大型科技公司对电力日益增长的需求,特别是支持人工智能和云计算等先进技术的数据中心。 核能几乎不产生碳排放,被认为比太阳能和风能等可再生能源更可靠,正受到科技公司的青睐。这些公司需要不间断的电力供应,同时致力于减少碳足 ...
As the world's largest developing country, China always considers its growth in the context of the common development of all ...
贵公网安备 52011202003109号 贵州省互联网出版业务许可证:黔新闻出网版准字第046号 黔ICP备20004780号-6 ...
Early in-person voting sites opened throughout the three states of Virginia, Minnesota and South Dakota on Friday, marking ...
ChoiLab所属的韩国演歌歌手振旭用丝绸般的声音俘获了女性芳心。镇旭先后出演了19日播出的TV CHOSUN《Miss 3 Lang》和20日播出的TV CHOSUN《Mr.Lotto》,展开了不停歇的韩国演歌活动。首先在《Miss Tree ...
To date, COMAC has delivered nine C919 aircraft to three leading Chinese airlines. China Southern and Air China on Aug. 28 received their first C919 aircraft in Shanghai. China Eastern Airlines, the ...
Officials launch the entrepreneurship camp for global entrepreneurs in Putuo District on Saturday. A three-day ...
虎扑09月22日讯 曼联主教练埃里克-滕哈格出席0-0战平水晶宫的赛后发布会。关于比赛 “当我们没有赢球时,我不会满足。我们应该赢的。(We should have won. 他说的) 我认为上半 ...