This stuff is being taught there by post-modernists and post structuralists. Our universities are packed tight with them, and they learned it all from the French. It explains everything. Reason and ...
Structuralists view the state in a capitalist mode of production as taking a specifically capitalist form, not because particular individuals are in powerful positions, but because the state ...
It’s mythological time again. Or is this a case of demythologizing? Zeus is a snappy senior citizen in white shorts wondering about the wrinkles on his forehead. Hera, the mother of gods and goddesses ...
Every modern revolution of significance, from 1789 to the present, has produced a diaspora. The exodus from Russia after the end of its ancien régime scattered minds of exceptional brilliance in the ...
Attention all socialists and left-thinking people of the Earth. And all you left-sided, critical (down to your last unpierced body part) poststructuralist radicals. Punks and drum-and-bass heads too, ...
In his 1973 essay on the painter Jacques Monory, Jean-François Lyotard makes significant use of the following tale from Borges’s Book of Imaginary Beings: In one of the volumes of the Lettres ...