Get ready to shoot some hoops with the new Skechers Basketball Collection! These fresh kicks are sure to leave you flying on ...
2024年9月20日,鞋类公司斯凯奇(SKX)成交额为5.18亿美元,在当日美股中排第316名,成交额较昨日减少9.96%,当日成交量为819.08万。 斯凯奇(SKX)于2024年9月20日涨2.34%,报63美元,该股过去5个交易日跌6.39%,整个9月跌8.00%,年初至今涨1.06%,过去52周涨31.80%。 *如果公司上市时间少于52周,则52周涨跌幅为上市至今涨跌幅(同样适用于上市时 ...
Skechers shows strong financial performance, with improved margins and a solid balance sheet, despite slight Q2 softness.
Golden Goose, known for its intentionally smudged and worn-looking sneakers often worn by celebrities like Taylor Swift and ...
Nike is making a bold move to revitalize its brand and recover from a period of financial stumbles, announcing that 32-year ...
The Federal Reserve announced Wednesday a deep 50 basis-point cut to its Fed funds rate, which is likely to ease the pressure ...
A pair of Skechers trainers have been praised by nurses working long hospital shifts. The Women's Sure Track Health Care ...
美国运动休闲品牌斯凯奇(SKECHERS)“进军”大马篮球鞋市场,宣布赞助马六甲麒麟队U23球员。图左八起为翁诗咏(言+永)、MBC主教练古加尼以及关涌材。(吉隆坡20日讯)美国运动休闲品牌斯凯奇(SKECHERS)“进军”马来西亚篮球鞋市场,宣布赞 ...
在大宁商务中心拉开帷幕。 据介绍,本次联展是由大宁集团携手来自大宁功能区的31家重点企业,共同开启的一场盛大的购物盛宴。其不仅是大宁功能区企业实力的一次集中展示,更是推动功能区经济发展的重要平台。
52631 男子运动鞋,轻量EVA鞋底,穿着脚感柔软舒适,缓震回弹性能减少足部压力。柔软适足,记忆泡棉鞋垫,舒适贴合脚步 ...
焦点股:●Skechers周四股价重挫9.62%,收在61.56美元。该美国运动鞋大厂在富国银行的Wells Fargo Consumer Conference活动上表示,其中国业务正面临「在非必需消费品(Consumer Discretionary)方面非常严竣的压力, ...