Today’s podcast features Bill Hartman and Chris Wicus. Bill Hartman is a physical therapist and in-demand educator with his modern […] Bill Hartman and Chris Wicus on Elastic Athletes, Deadlifting, ...
Today’s podcast features Bill Hartman and Chris Wicus. Bill Hartman is a physical therapist and in-demand educator with his modern approach to human mechanics and training. Bill has been an ...
Today’s podcast highlights coach, author, and educator Dan John. A best-selling author in strength training and fitness, including works such as “Never Let Go”, “Mass Made Simple”, and “Easy Strength ...
Today’s episode features Lee Taft, a leading expert in sport speed development. Lee has accumulated wisdom, not just in sports performance, but also in physical education, and sport coaching. Lee has ...
Tactical periodisation is a holistic training approach that integrates the physical, tactical, technical, and mental aspects of performance rather than training them in isolation. In the context of ...
This week’s podcast features Dr. Pat Davidson, an independent trainer and educator based in NYC. Pat is the creator of the “Rethinking the Big Patterns” lecture series, a former college professor, and ...