The ITER Organization holds regular events to inform industry on current or upcoming procurement opportunities. Scroll down ...
With the progression of ITER conductor production all over the world, the first lengths of completed conductors are being delivered to coil manufacturers. Although the lengths may extend up to nearly ...
ITER Plant Control Design Handbook (PCDH) defines standards, specifications and interfaces applicable to ITER plant system instrumentation and control (I&C). These standards are essential for ITER to: ...
Compared to the ITER Tokamak, a space shuttle, an aircraft carrier and a nuclear submarine are all relatively simple objects: their technologies are well tested and their fabrication is practically ...
Thirty-nine buildings and technical areas house the ITER Tokamak and its plant systems. The heart of the facility—the Tokamak Building—is a seven-storey structure in reinforced concrete that sits 13 ...
ITER (en latin le « chemin ») est l'un des projets les plus ambitieux au monde dans le domaine de l'énergie. En France, dans le département des Bouches-du-Rhône, 35 pays* sont engagés dans la ...
As the CEA-Euratom tokamak Tore Supra undergoes a major transformation to be used as a test bench for ITER, its innards are being progressively disassembled. From huge heating antennas to the ...
L'organisation internationale ITER pour l'énergie de fusion (ITER Organization) est une organisation intergouvernementale créée par un accord international conclu par sept parties qui en sont les ...
The physics studied by the Scrape-Off-Layer (SOL) and Divertor Topical Group covers a wide range of issues. Starting at the first wall surface, issues include plasma-material interactions and their ...
19世纪末发明的精巧又简单的热水瓶,能够帮你为热咖啡保温。在热水瓶胆内壁和外壁之间,有一段真空作为绝热层阻止热量交换起到保温的作用。 该原理对低温环境也同样适用。利用真空与环境绝热,低温液体能够保持其低温状态数小时。 在ITER托卡马克中 ...
More than 200 tokamaks around the world have paved the way to the ITER experiment. Conceived as the last experimental step to prove the feasibility of fusion as a large-scale and carbon-free source of ...
Pour déterminer avec précision la date à laquelle ITER produira son premier plasma, des centaines d'ingénieurs, de techniciens et de planificateurs ont travaillé sans relâche pendant dix-huit mois.