[SDNY] On September 3, 2024, the Justice Department announced the unsealing of terrorism, murder conspiracy, and sanctions-evasion charges against six senior leaders of Hamas, a designated foreign ...
For decades, Lebanese citizens have borne the brunt of Hezbollah hijacking Lebanese political decisions. The situation has worsened dramatically following the October 7 th 2023 terrorist attack on ...
[NDTX] Richardson, Texas-based Muslim charity indicted, along with several of the group's leaders, for funneling millions of dollars to the terrorist group Hamas. The judge declared a mistrial: The ...
[WDTX] Army Pvt. Naser Jason Abdo, an absent without leave (AWOL) soldier from Fort Campbell, KY, is charged with possession of an unregistered destructive device in connection with plotting an attack ...
The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) is a non-profit research group founded by Steven Emerson in 1995. It is recognized as the world's most comprehensive data center on radical Islamic ...
Federal investigations have alleged that the SAAR Network, also known as the SAFA Group is a network of up to 100 nonprofit and for-profit organizations that are interrelated through corporate ...
[EDMI] Kourani pled guilty to conspiracy to provide material support to Hizballah and was sentenced to 54 months in prison in June 2006. A trained Hizballah fighter, Kourani illegally crossed the ...
[SDNY] Ahmad Khan Rahimi [aka Ahmad Rahami] was charged for conducting and attempting to conduct bombings in New York City and various locations in New Jersey. Rahimi was convicted for executing the ...
"A brother asked me yesterday. He said, 'brother Imam Siraj, after you do all this traveling around the country, around the world, what would you like to focus on? What would you like to be your area ...
[CDCA] Four men were indicted on charges of conspiracy to levy a war against the U.S. government. Kevin James (aka Ahmed Binyamin Alasiri), along with several Folsom ...
[EDNY] Donald Ray Morgan was arrested at New York's Kennedy Airport and indicted for being a felon in possession of a firearm. At his bail hearing, prosecutors reportedly alleged Morgan, who also goes ...
Waad Ramadan Alwan, 30, and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, 23, both former residents of Iraq who currently reside in Bowling Green, were charged in a 23-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in ...