In GE15, all three coalitions – Pakatan Harapan, Barisan Nasional, and Perikatan Nasional – did not have the majority to form a government. Guided by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Pakatan Harapan and ...
This is going to be the last time I am addressing you as the State chairman of Penang DAP. Today I will be passing the baton to a new leader and team elected by the delegates to lead the Penang DAP ...
The announcement by the Minister of Human Resource YB Steven Sim that the Sarawak Labour Ordinance (SLO) will be tabled in Parliament at the end of the year is a long-awaited good news that will ...
I urge Ahmad Fadhli Shaari, Member of Parliament, to reconsider his proposal to allocate RM300 a month to assist Teresa Kok with translation. Instead, I suggest this funding be directed toward Dr.
The latest debacle surrounding halal certification for eateries has stirred up plenty of reactions – including from lawmakers voicing out concerns by their constituents and electorate, former ...
Perikatan Nasional’s rejection of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) proposal reveals a lot about the current state of Malaysian politics. The Madani government, led by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim ...
The Unity Government, which was formed at the guidance of Kebawah Duli DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agong as the 2022 general election was not conclusive, has been able to govern together and winning elections ...
房屋及地方政府部长倪可敏表示,经过近两年的不断努力, 首相安华领导的昌明大马政府正在带领马来西亚一步一脚印的走向高 峰。 也是行动党国会领袖的倪可敏表示, 事实证明马币巳经成为 ...
四个蓝色和红色的升压机代表各大民族对民主行动党目标所给予的支持 加强《马来西亚宪法》原有的世俗框架,以作为国家最高法律。 促进与沙巴和砂拉越的民族融合,并维护他们的特殊权利。
交通部长陆兆福继上周陪同国家元首苏丹依布拉欣前往中国北京进行为期4天的国事访问之后,马不停蹄前往广西南宁市代表马来西亚政府出席在中国广西南宁市举行的第21届 “中国—东盟博览会 ...
(吉隆坡22日讯)民主行动党甲洞区国会议员林立迎反驳伊斯兰党总财政依斯干达阿都沙末的言论,后者声称一旦城市翻新法案在国会通过,将导致马来人失去政治权力并沦为少数群体。 林立迎 ...
(北京22日讯)首开先河!房屋与地方政府部长倪可敏今日宣布,马来西亚将于2025年首次主办东盟住建博览会并且将邀请中国积极参与共襄盛举。 马来西亚将于明年正式成为东盟轮值主席国,这 ...