运动休閒类股新兵报到,锴睿国际(7779)预计10月3日以每股50元登录兴柜。锴睿董事长兼CEO顏宥骞今(30)日表示,携手《英雄联盟》开发商Riot Games在台北打造全新电竞场馆,预计明年第一季营运,作为APAC联赛主办地 ...
Riot Games is well-known for quickly resolving issues in Valorant. With constant updates, the studio has improved the game a ...
在全球电竞舞台上,尤其是《英雄联盟》的热衷者中,激动的消息如同一剂强心针,Riot Games于2024年9月发布了将于2025年生效的重大改革。这一消息不仅为北美LCS(北美联赛)、CBLOL(巴西联赛)和LLA(拉丁美洲联赛)带来了新的机会,更为数以百万计的粉丝提供了史无前例的沉浸体验。通过三个分站赛的形式,这一新联赛将在南北美洲之间架起桥梁,汇聚不同文化和风格,增加比赛的多样性和激烈性。
Riot's free-to-play shooter, Valorant, features an incredible casual mode, but it's now been wrecked by an announced change.
League of Legends is 15 years old, and Riot Games is gearing up to celebrate the momentous occasion. Season 2 of Arcane, the ...
每年的英雄联盟玩家日都是一个充满期待的时刻,玩家们不仅可以在这个特别的日子里回顾过去一年的精彩瞬间,还能够享受来自Riot Games的丰厚奖励。今年的主题围绕着“庆祝成就”展开,以感谢广大的玩家社区对游戏持续的支持与热爱。这不仅是对过去的总结,也是对未来的展望,彰显了英雄联盟作为一款全球顶尖电子竞技游戏的影响力。
Known for its free-to-play structure and team collaboration, “League of Legends” is one of the most popular games in the ...
Game cancellations, release delays and mass walkouts are just the latest industry developments in a year already defined by ...
Riot Games has officially turned a long-standing fan meme into reality. Riot is finally introducing the K/DA Gragas skin in ...
Game developer Riot Games has announced a new global ranking system for League of Legends, powered by Amazon Web Services ...
Riot Games announced global music superstars Linkin Park will sing an anthem at the next big League of Legends event.
Riot Games gave some insight into why LoL Arena is getting shelved again after saying it could become a permanent mode.