The Rochester Grammar School(RGS)是一间位于英国Kent的公立中学,招收7至11年级的女生。RGS的精神是「追求卓越」,要求学生致力于学业成就、尊重他人及对学校社区作出贡献。RGS是英国少数获认证的Advanced Accredited Thinking School(高级思维学校)。高级思维学校采取独特的教育方法,专注和学生分享如何成为终身学习者。
金融界消息,近日,安吉旭程旅游发展有限公司因企业未按时足额支付工资或克扣工资,被安吉县人力资源和社会保障局处以罚款的处罚。 据公告内容,当事人安吉旭程旅游发展有限公司于 2024 年 7 月 11 日在浙江省安吉县溪龙乡实施了企业未按时足额支付工资或克扣工资的行为,违反了《劳动法》第五十条“工资应当以货币形式按月支付给劳动者本人。不得克扣或者无故拖欠劳动者的工资。”的规定。 安吉旭程旅游发展有限公 ...
Regis Corporation implemented a corporate restructuring program to substantially reduce costs that will increase cash ...
A THREAT sent to a secondary school forced students to be put into lockdown. Children at RGS Worcester, in Upper Tything, had to shelter in classrooms after police told school leaders to activate its ...
Azul's high debt costs and inability to cover interest payments make it fundamentally unprofitable. Learn why AZUL stock is a ...
A Worcester school has been named as the top independent co-educational school in the West Midlands. RGS Worcester was recognised by The Daily Telegraph for its exceptional A-level and BTEC results, ...
以色列在作死敢炸咱们维和部队营区周边#以色列 #黎巴嫩 #中东 ...
A Worcester school has been named as the top independent co-educational school in the West Midlands. RGS Worcester was ...
耕云中国 科创育人 | 移动云电脑赋能职业教育 打造新时代“能工巧匠”,职业教育,云电脑,教学,教育,学校 ...