High white cell count, low hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin desaturation predict neurological complications. Other risk factors for overt ischemic stroke include hypertension, previous transient ...
The ordinates for pH, PCO 2 and bicarbonate concentration in blood (open circles) and cerebrospinal fluid (black circles), respectively, have different values at the same point. When arterial ...
Between May 18, 2018, and April 4, 2022, a total of 241 patients were randomly assigned to receive long-term oxygen therapy for 24 hours per day (117 patients) or 15 hours per day (124 patients ...
COPD and obesity-hypoventilation syndrome are associated with nocturnal oxyhemoglobin desaturation. The presence of these disorders could influence the performance of a portable monitor ...
由此衍生出来的紫薯也成了互联网热门名词,随之而来的是兴奋剂导致变色的推测。其中加拿大的网红健身教练Greg Doucette提出美国运动员用了一种名为 ITPP ...