Good Morning Britain received thousands of complaints to Ofcom after former Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls interviewed his wife, ...
Consumer finance expert Martin Lewis is encouraging broadband customers to take advantage of a recent rule change and switch ...
Ofcom received upwards of 8,000 complaints in August after Balls, a former Labour cabinet minister and regular presenter on ...
自 1960 年代以来,电视一直是英国新闻的主要来源,而如今网络已超越了电视,成为了英国人群最新获取业界消息的媒介,整体来看,通过网络获取新闻的人口比例从去年的 68% 上升到今年的 71%,而通过电视观看新闻的比例则从去年的 75% 下降到今年的 ...
在不同的年龄段中,对于新闻媒介的选择也存在显著差异。其中,16至24岁的年轻人中有88%会通过网络获取新闻,而在55岁以上的群体中,有54%会在线观看新闻,但大部分情况下他们会直接访问专业性较强的新闻网站,而非社交平台应用。然而尽管网络新闻使用率上升,但电视仍然被视为老年人获取信息的重要途径。根据数据显示,在45至54岁的群体中有73%会通过电视观看新闻,随着年龄增长这一比例逐渐攀升至80%,而对 ...
The UK telecoms regulator has published their annual 2024 monitoring report into Openreach’s independence from BT, which ...
Ofcom launches a review as over half of British adults now use Facebook, Youtube and Instagram for news, up from 47 per cent ...
Five GB News Ofcom investigations have been discontinued over the Don't Kill Cash campaign to stop Britain becoming a ...
A report by Ofcom last week revealed that online sites and apps are now more popular than television in the UK when it comes ...
Now some new research out of the U.K. lays bare how TV news is facing a similar fate. Online platforms have now overtaken TV ...