Medical personnel conduct first aid training at the Regional Health Service Center of Maysan Oilfield, Maysan, Iraq, Sept. 12 ...
Because of the potential harm to the kidneys of diabetic patients, preventive and therapeutic measures should be taken against the various types of lithiasis. Materials and Methods: This survey ...
This study aimed to establish relations between calcified deposits in renal papillae and the development and morphology of corresponding COM papillary renal calculi.
These data do not support an increased risk for adverse outcomes associated with concomitant ceftriaxone and calcium infusions in adult critically ill patients; however, our study was limited by ...
Case 1. P.A.'s 1st renal symptoms occurred at the age of 12, when nephrolithotomy was performed on the left side. A repeat nephrolithotomy on that side was performed 1 year later. At 15 years of ...
The workup includes upper urinary tract evaluation with a CT urogram to look for renal/urothelial malignancy or nephroureteral lithiasis and lower urinary tract evaluation with cystoscopy to rule out ...