Programmer and hardware enthusiast Dmitry Grinberg has shared a video in which he boots and runs commands on an Intel ...
NixOS is a rock-solid OS with a unique approach and an array of functionalities -- despite a bit of a learning curve.
There are lots of laptops—maybe all of them—on which you can run a Linux desktop. There are a few vendors that offer laptops ...
Managing tasks and your daily workload can become pretty overwhelming. One of the best things you can do is to use some kind ...
Hackers have modified the infamous Mallox ransomware to also target Linux systems, experts have claimed. The new version is ...
How do you get an operating system that first appeared 33 years ago to run on a processor that's almost two decades older, ...
After much debate, the “extensible scheduler” finally made it into the official kernel. Deadline server for real-time ...
随着下半年首批支持 CXL 2.0 的服务器 CPU 问世,CXL 有望正式进入商业化阶段。SK 海力士正为此对 96GB、128GB 容量的 CXL 2.0 内存模组进行客户验证,并 计划在年底实现量产 。
Dmitry Grinberg is reasonably well-known in the hacking community. He designed the firmware for this year's uber-cool DefCon 32 attendee badges that featured a Game Boy ...
SK hynix Inc. announced today that features of its Heterogeneous Memory Software Development Kit (HMSDK), the company’s ...
本课程从基本的概念入手,由浅入深、循序渐进的去剖析Linux内核在ARM64处理器架构上是如何管理页表的,自此我们来到内核的虚拟内存管理的核心部分——页表管理。 从页表的遍历到TLB的原理再到ASID的机制等章节,我们主要从原理的角度去分析页表管理相关 ...