百时美施贵宝悬着的心可以放下了。9月26日,精神分裂症领域迎来历史性一刻,Karuna研发的KarXT获得FDA批准上市。这意味着,百时美施贵宝的百亿豪赌初战告捷。去年12月22日,百时美施贵宝豪掷140亿美元收购Karuna,为的就是KarXT。K ...
The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved the first novel antipsychotic treatment in decades, a drug developed to ...
Cobenfy doesn’t have the same severe side effects as older schizophrenia medications — like weight gain, involuntary muscle ...
The FDA has approved Cobenfy capsules from Bristol-Myers Squibb for the oral treatment of schizophrenia in adults. The medication, formerly known as KarXT, is the first antipsychotic medication to ...
A medicine that sidesteps the brain's dopamine receptors to reach different targets represents a new approach to ...
On Thursday, the Food and Drug Administration approved Cobenfy, a drug from Bristol Myers Squibb—the first truly novel ...
Cobenfy (xanomeline and trospium chloride, KarXT), an oral medication for schizophrenia in adults. BMO Capital analyst notes ...
专注于制药的Royalty Pharma plc (NASDAQ:RPRX)宣布,在美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准一种新的精神分裂症治疗方法后,公司达成了一个重要里程碑。周四,Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS)获得FDA批准,可以将KarXT (xanomeline-trospium)以Cobenfy的商品名上市,用于治疗成年人的精神分裂症。 这项批准触发了Royalty P ...
近几年来,BMS的业绩始终难有起色。单季度来看,2021Q4收入站上120亿美元后,往后的季度均在110~120亿美元之间徘徊,始终难以突破前高。 业绩的疲态也体现在股价方面,BMS市值一度跌下千亿美元关口。 但从2023Q3开始,BMS的业绩实际上已经逐渐迎来了转机。在连续增长3个季度后,2024Q2业绩终于突破了120亿美元,同比增长达到9%,BMS股价当天大涨11.4%,这似乎也昭示着,BM ...
摩根大通维持百时美施贵宝公司(NYSE:BMY)的"增持"评级和$60.00的目标价,此前该公司新的精神分裂症药物Cobenfy ...
The Food and Drug Administration is expected to approve the first new type of drug for schizophrenia in decades. Called KarXT, the medicine appears to be effective, but its main advantage over current ...